About 3iap

3iap believes in the power of reason as a force for good (and profit!). When faced with uncertainty or a tough decision, wouldn't it be great if more people first asked “What does the data say?”

The challenge: People can be a bit irrational. Our attention is under constant strain. Even when we have good data, we often lack the confidence to use it. We're even more skeptical when it conflicts with our own intuition.

By making clients' data more approachable, 3iap enables more positive interactions with data, ultimately leading to smarter decisions and improved performance. In turn, we hope that these positive experiences help clients' users learn to trust & rely on data in their own lives.

Who is behind 3 is a pattern?

3iap is run by Eli Holder. Eli focuses on data as a lens into how people think, feel, and work, and developing data-centric tools that inspire people to action.

Eli is a former founder (Unblab, acquired by AOL, Notch.me, Nodd) and product leader (Noom, Chartbeat, PwC, StreetLinx). He graduated with a B.S. in computer science from UNC Chapel Hill, where he studied board game AI and built 3D-visualizations for microscopes.

You can follow Eli on Mastodon and Medium.

a curious guinea pig

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No guinea pigs (or humans) have been harmed in the course of 3iap’s research, writing, or experiments.