How-To Guides

These are hands-on guides for implementing ideas discussed in 3iap's writing and workshops.

Screenshot of a jitter plot created in Microsoft Excel, showing regional differences in new HIV diagnoses

How to create Jitter Plots in Microsoft Excel to visualize social outcome disparities

Making a Jitter Plot of U.S. regional differences in new HIV diagnoses

Screenshot of a jitter plot created in Google sheets, showing regional differences in PrEP coverage

How to make Jitter Plots in Google Sheets to visualize social inequality

Creating a Jitter Plot of U.S. regional disparities in PrEP coverage

Small multiples charts of parking lot land use

Visualizing 'Small Multiples' Charts with Observable Plot

What can we learn about Observable Plot (and parking lots)?

a curious guinea pig

Would you like to be a guinea pig?

Join 3iap’s mailing list for early access to the latest dataviz research, writing, and experiments.

No guinea pigs (or humans) have been harmed in the course of 3iap’s research, writing, or experiments.